Mood Disorders

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Depression (Unipolar)

For some people, sadness comes out of nowhere or can be triggered by something that occured in their life. Feeling sad is a HEALTHY, normal part of life.

For some, the feeling of sadness will not go away and the etiology of the sadness is hard to discern. At times, it is not something that many can "snap out of" or control. This can lead to feelings and thoughts that are unexplained, lasting weeks, months, or at times even years. 

Many may lose interest in things they enjoyed at one time, lose interest in daily activities, trouble concentrating, lack of energy, increased need for sleep or opposite insomnia, poor appetite or over eating. These are all signs of Depression.

If any of the symptoms listed above apply to you or someone you may know, depression maybe the cause, and just know, you are not alone.


Bipolar disorder consist of two main types: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that causes an individual to have extreme shifts in mood classified as "highs and lows". 

If you or someone has suffered from symptoms listed below for more than 4 days and/or at least a week, you maybe suffering from an undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder.


I=Impulsiveness (promiscuity, spending large amounts of money)

G=Grandiosity (elevated self esteem, feeling "untouchable") or Irritable mood

F=flight of ideas (rapidly jumping to different thoughts or ideas)

A=Activity Increase

S=sleep deficit (feels energized after a few hours of rest)

T=Talkativeness (rambling)

Let's work together to flight this thing called Mental Health!